My CodeMagic fork (a TinyMCE plugin for code editing)

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I’ve used TinyMCE for a while – it’s an excellent WYSIWYG editor for web applications. However, the code editor in it is really simplistic. Enter CodeMagic, a plugin that allows you to replace the standard code editor with one that used the excellent CodeMirror library for syntax highlighting. So I started to use CodeMagic but found a number of issues with it. For example, it used CodeMirror 2 and not 3, had issues with using IE and the word wrapping functionality and the window resizing was never great. But with the joy of things being on GitHub and up for a bit of a forking, that’s exactly what I did.

Check out my CodeMagic fork on GitHub and feel free to give me any feedback, or fork it yourself and make it better.


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