Zend OPcache – some info and a GUI

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I’ve just started to use Zend OPcache in place of APC in a few places and so far it’s great!

Because documentation seems a little scarce right now, I’ve decided to jot down the methods available (mainly so I don’t forget).

Should be pretty obvious given the name – resets the opcache

This will return an array with three indices, one for the directives that have been set, one for version information and one for any blacklisted paths. For example:

[code lang=”php”]
[directives] => Array
[opcache.enable] => 1
[opcache.enable_cli] => 1
[opcache.use_cwd] => 1
[opcache.validate_timestamps] => 1
[opcache.inherited_hack] => 1
[opcache.dups_fix] =>
[opcache.revalidate_path] =>
[opcache.log_verbosity_level] => 1
[opcache.memory_consumption] => 134217728
[opcache.max_accelerated_files] => 4000
[opcache.max_wasted_percentage] => 0.05
[opcache.consistency_checks] => 0
[opcache.force_restart_timeout] => 180
[opcache.revalidate_freq] => 2
[opcache.preferred_memory_model] =>
[opcache.blacklist_filename] =>
[opcache.max_file_size] => 0
[opcache.error_log] =>
[opcache.protect_memory] =>
[opcache.save_comments] => 1
[opcache.load_comments] => 1
[opcache.fast_shutdown] => 1
[opcache.enable_file_override] =>
[opcache.optimization_level] => 2147483647

[version] => Array
[version] => 7.0.2-dev
[opcache_product_name] => Zend OPcache

[blacklist] => Array


This will return that holds information about whether the opcache is turned on or not, whether it’s in a restart phase, the memory usage and hit statistics, and any files that have been cached along with hit and memory details. For example:

[code lang=”php”]
[opcache_enabled] => 1
[cache_full] =>
[restart_pending] =>
[restart_in_progress] =>
[memory_usage] => Array
[used_memory] => 9395880
[free_memory] => 121987104
[wasted_memory] => 2834744
[current_wasted_percentage] => 2.1120488643646

[opcache_statistics] => Array
[num_cached_scripts] => 353
[num_cached_keys] => 1546
[max_cached_keys] => 7963
[hits] => 27055
[start_time] => 1365412384
[last_restart_time] => 0
[oom_restarts] => 0
[hash_restarts] => 0
[manual_restarts] => 0
[misses] => 509
[blacklist_misses] => 0
[blacklist_miss_ratio] => 0
[opcache_hit_rate] => 98.153388477725

[scripts] => Array
[/http/includes/libs/ZF-1.12.2/Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php] => Array
[full_path] => /http/libs/ZF-1.12.2/Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php
[hits] => 175
[memory_consumption] => 63320
[last_used] => Mon Apr 8 16:21:14 2013
[last_used_timestamp] => 1365434474
[timestamp] => 1343660895

[/http/www-includes/libs/ZF-1.12.2/Zend/Db/Adapter/Oracle.php] => Array
[full_path] => /http/libs/ZF-1.12.2/Zend/Db/Adapter/Oracle.php
[hits] => 17
[memory_consumption] => 60600
[last_used] => Mon Apr 8 16:21:14 2013
[last_used_timestamp] => 1365434474
[timestamp] => 1325795702

[/http/libs/ZF-1.12.2/Zend/View/Helper/Placeholder/Container.php] => Array
[full_path] => /http/libs/ZF-1.12.2/Zend/View/Helper/Placeholder/Container.php
[hits] => 175
[memory_consumption] => 2744
[last_used] => Mon Apr 8 16:21:14 2013
[last_used_timestamp] => 1365434474
[timestamp] => 1325795702




APC did have a GUI which was quite handy to see what had been cached, settings and memory usage but Zend OPcache doesn’t (currently as far as I could see) have anything similar.

It is possible to get information from looking at the output of phpinfo() which contains all of the key information.

However, I’ve just pushed the start of a GUI to GitHub. If you want to make changes and improvements then please feel free! It’s only had a very little amount of work done on it so far so is pretty raw.


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